iClone 4 Help: 2009/09/22

Welcome New

User Interface

Navigation pane

The Tools Menu

Content Manager and Scene Manager New

Control bar

3D Real-time Viewer (Preview Window)

Shading Methods of Preview Window

Drag-and-Drop to Preview Window New

Gizmo of Objects in Preview Window New

Play Bar

Modify Page New

Setting Parameter Value in the Modify Page New

Modify Page in Editor Mode New

Modify Page in Director Mode New

Time Setting Panel

Docking Timeline New

Timeline Editor

Timeline Operation-Basic New

Timeline Operation-Advanced New

Operating with Camera and Transform Tools

Picking and the Right-click Menu


Sharing Project with External Files New


How to Change the Proportion of Each Sub Node of an Actor New

CloneCloth - Creating Your Own Fashion Designs and Collections

Gloves and Shoes New

Actor - Look At


Bouncing Body Parts


Creating CloneBone Actors New

Adjusting body Parts of CloneBone Actors

Motion Editing for CloneBone Actors


Creating a Head

Loading facial images

Photo enhancement

Importing Photo Image

Defining the Facial Angle

Adjusting the Facial Boundary

Adjusting the Angle and Orientation of the Face

Adjusting Feature Points and Contours

The Texture of Face

Channel Mapping

Normal Map and Wrinkle Effects

Reflection and Refraction

Texture Settings

Full Head Morph

Detailing Overall Facial Features New

Randomizing Facial Features New

Full Head Morph and Hair Offset

Basic Eye Settings New

Advanced Eye Settings New


Director Mode vs. Editor Mode

Clearing Clips New

Facial Animation

Utilizing Puppeteering Panel New

Introducing the Puppeteering Panel New

Full Face Control Puppeteering New

Solo Feature Selection Puppeteering New

Recording Blinking New

Puppeteering Settings New

Creating Custom Puppet Profiles New

Adding Face Keys - Muscle vs. Detail New

Adding Face Keys - Layer Editing New

Director Mode

Starting the Director Mode

The Actor

Behavior Switch New


Actor and the Right Menu

Two Methods to Direct the Actor

The iProp

Two Methods to Direct the iProp

The actor and the iProp

Move, Operate and Perform

iProp Interaction

Quick Tab bar for simple timeline editing

Director Mode New

Editor Mode New

Editor Mode

The Concept of Motion Layer Editing

Fine Tuning the Actor with IK, FK

What is IK/FK

How to Use IK

How to Use FK

IK, FK for None-Human Actor

Select Bone

Lock Bone

Set Absolute Bone

Absolute and Relative Bone

Animating Hand Gestures New

Link and Attach

The Comparison of Link and Attach New



Utilizing Path New

Creating New Path New

Converting Animation Keys to Path New

Projecting to Terrain New

Editing Path New

Prop Picking Path New

Character Picking Path New

Setting Position Keys on Path New

Adjusting Speed Variation on Path New

Following Control Points New

Following Path and Terrain New

Jumping from Path to Path New

Camera on Path and Look At Target New

Human Centric Control New

Editor Mode New

Director Mode New

Character to iProp New

iProp to Character New


Animation Timeline Editing

Basic Operation for Animation Clips 

The Rules of Animation Tracks New

Transition Methods in Tracks New

Clip Editing

Speed, Loop and Blending

Motion Layer and Clips - Reset Pose Key

Transform and Clips - Zero Transform Key

Merging Command Clips New

Reversing Clips New

Clip Preparing

Reset Motion Pivot New

Align Actor Motion New

Connective Motions without Back to Origin

Motion along the Terrain

Reset Motion Root New

General Track

Transform Track

Visible Track

Actor Private Tracks

Idle Track New

Hands Track

Motion Layer Track

Facial Expression Tracks New

Launching Facial Expressions in CrazyTalk New

Actor/iProp Private Tracks

Move Track

Perform Track

Operate Track New

Collect Clip Track New

Actor/Camera/Spotlight Private Tracks

Look At Track

Actor/Camera/Light/Prop Private Tracks

Link Track

Prop/Accessories Private Tracks

Material Track

Camera Private Tracks

Lens Track

DOF Track

Spotlight/Point Light Private Tracks

Color Track

Parameter Track


Atmosphere New

Utilizing HDR Effect New

Utilizing IBL Effect New

Image Layer New

Utilizing Image Layer New

Layer Order for Image Layer Objects New

Combining Image Layer Objects New


The Comparison of Cameras

Creating and Manipulating Custom Camera New

Smooth Camera Movement New

The Walk and Fly Modes

Multiple Camera Switcher

Follow Cam

DOF (Depth of Field)

Lens of the Camera

Clipping Planes of the Camera

Camera - Look At


The Comparison of Lights

Manipulating the Directional Light

Ambient Light


Intensity, Beam and Falloff

Link for a Spotlight

Spotlight - Look At

Point Light

Range of Point Light

Utilizing Point Light

Shadow New

Self Cast Shadow Option New



Pivot of Prop New

Creating Animation Helper

Prop Animation with Helper

Setting Prop as Dummy New

3D LiveProp Animation New


The Tree

The Grass New


Structure of particle system New

Generating particles New

Adjusting particles New

Adjusting emitters New

Moving, rotating emitters New


The Concept of Terrain System

Snap To or Follow Terrain

Create Your Own Terrain

Turn Bounding Mesh On or OFF?

Customize a Terrain with Block

Interactive Dummy Helper

Flexible Props

Spring Props


Basic Water Parameters

Basic Water Parameters - Color

Basic Water Parameters - Wave

Water - Diffuse and Bump New

Water Edge Softness New

Underwater Fog



Video New

Applying Video into Texture Channels New

Utilizing PopVideo New

Setting Video Keys New

Material - Multiple Channel Texture Mapping New

The Maps for Objects New

Types of maps New

Modifying Texture Settings - Basic

Modifying Texture Settings - Advanced

Adjusting Colors on Seven Texture Channels New

Texture Channel UV Offset and Tiling

Synchronizing UV Changes to Channels

UV Reference

Replacing and re-generating Model UV

Model Mapping Method

Texture Channel UV vs. Model UV Setting

Mapping Method for Multi-Material Object

Load and Save Materials New

Retrieving Material Settings New

External Texture and Material Sharing New

Material Key and Material Key Frame Animation New

Saving Keys to Material Template

Keyboard Shortcuts Table

Global Shortcuts

Editor Mode Shortcuts

Director Mode Shortcuts

Timeline Shortcuts




Image sequence



System Section

Grid Options Section

Display Information Section New

Real-time Render Options Section New



Frequently asked questions

Technical support and feedback

Contacting Reallusion