Load and Save Materials

The material library in iClone provides multiple texture channels and seamless tiling capability with which it can easily turn low polygon 3D models into highly detailed 3D props.

Load Material

Step 1. Select the target 3D object for material change.

Step 2. Click the Load Material button and browse the material from the Windows Explorer.

Save Material

Once you save modified material settings as a new material template, they can be used repetitively afterwards.

Save as Material Template

  1. Select the object and then use the Pick tool to pick the material from which you want to save the texture settings as material template.

  2. Click Save Material button.

  3. Browse to the destination folder to store the template. If you select an existing material file, it will be replaced by the new one.

What is included in a Material Template?


  • The texture maps for the seven channels. Please refer to the Adjusting Colors on Seven Texture Channels and Texture Channel UV Offset and Tiling sections for more information.

  • The Strength value of each channel.

  • 2.

  • The values of Reflection and Refraction are saved. Please refer to the Modifying Texture Settings - Advanced section for more information.

  • 3.

  • The Diffuse, Ambient, Specular colors are saved. Please refer to the Modifying Texture Settings - Advanced section for more information.

  • 4.

  • The Opacity, Self-Illumination, Specular and the Glossiness values of individual material are saved. Please refer to the Modifying Texture Settings - Advanced section for more information.

  • The 2-sided status is also be saved.



    • To simplify CloneCloth loading efforts, you may save the Diffuse and Opacity map settings as a single material template.

    • You may click the button to extract texture images from material templates and save them in jpg or bmp file format.

    • Click the button when certain image thumbs are selected to modify the target texture images with your image editing software.

    Effect All Materials

    When an object contains multiple material IDs, it may be a hard task for you to adjust their texture settings individually. iClone provides a feature for you to change them all at the same time.

    1. In the Select Material drop-down list, pick any material to modify.

    2. Modify the parameters: Diffuse Color, Ambient Color, Specular Color, Opacity, Self-illumination, Specular and Glossiness.
      (Please refer to the Modifying Texture Settings - Advanced section for more information about the effects of these settings.)

    1. Check the Effect All Materials to apply these settings to all the materials on the list.

    The initial appearance of the model.

    One of the materials is modified.
    Diffuse Color: Blue
    Ambient Color: Dark Blue
    Specular: 155
    Glossiness: 20
    Effect All Materials: Unchecked

    Effect All Materials: checked.
