Motion Layer and Clips - Reset Pose Key

Reset Pose Key

This feature is designed especially for the Motion Layer track. Press the button to add a pose key to counteract the Motion Layer effect of the previous key to the Move, Perform or Operate tracks.

When you are modifying the pose via the Motion Layer Editing panel and are not satisfied with the result you may also click this button to neutralize the data in the key and start all over again.

  1. On the timeline, apply a motion clip to the Perform track and select the Motion Layer track.

The actor performs a Run motion from the start frame.

  1. Go to the desired frame, set one Motion Layer key to tune the bone offsets for the Perform motion.

  • The upper torso is modified by setting a key in the Motion Layer track.

  • The upper torso is influenced by the key afterward till the end of the motion.

    1. If you are not satisfied with the result and you want to reset all the offsets, you may either:

      And then adjust the pose again in the same frame.

    2. Go to another frame. Click the Reset Pose Key. iClone then adds a neutral key to cancel all the effects from the previously added keys.

  • The Reset Pose Key cancels the effects of all previous keys.