Editing and Animating Image Layers

With Image Layer in iClone, you can now set keys for its position and scale. You can also arrange the layer order if you are using multiple layers.

Transform Image layer

When you have added an image layer to the scene you can move and resize the image layer by following methods:



Strength vs. Opacity

Strength and Opacity are different concepts that may affect different parts of the Image Layer. Strength adjusts the whole image layer's channels effectiveness, whereas Opacity adjusts the whole image layer's visibility.




Please note that you can set keys for Opacity and Glow.

Animate Image Layer

Since you can control the strength and opacity of the selected channel, you can also adjust its transition and material channel to create image layer animation keys.

  1. Select an image layer and create two position keys in different frames.

  2. These keys will appear in the transform track under Image Layer.

  3. Select the Opacity channel and adjust the Strength slider to 100.

  4. Drag the timeline slider to a new frame.

  5. Adjust the Strength Slider to 0.

  6. Drag the timeline slider to a new frame and set the Strength to 100.

  7. Three new keys are formed under the Material Track in Timeline.