Operating with Camera and Transform Tools

For the ease of use and convenience, iClone is designed with the same mouse controls for both camera operation and object transformation. This method of control allows you to edit scenes with one hand on the mouse and the other on the keyboard, saving you from moving your hand back and forth among the keys.


Camera Tools

Transform Tools


Zoom In/Out



Focus to Selected - Perspective view

Focus to Selected

Walk/Fly Camera






Mouse Operations
(Buttons pressed and drag)

  • Roll Mouse Wheel

  • Both Mouse Buttons

  • Left Mouse Button

    Right Mouse Button

    Select the object and press the hotkey.

    Select the object and press the hotkey.

  • Toggle Walk/Fly mode to navigate your selected camera view to specific spot.

  • Press + or - to Accelerate or Decelerate the movement of the camera.

  • In Transform Mode, single click on the target object.

  • In Camera Mode, double-click to select the target object.

  • In Select Mode, hold down the Ctrl key and single click on objects may Multi-select them.

  • Alternatively, you may drag a box on the 3D viewer to enclose desired objects.

  • Along X Axis: Left Mouse Button + Cursor Moves Left/Right

  • Along Y Axis: Left Mouse Button + Cursor Moves Up/Down

  • Along Z Axis: Roll Mouse Wheel

  • Rotate Along Z Axis:
    Press Left Mouse Button and drag.
    Rotate Along Y Axis:
    Press Right Mouse Button and drag.
    Rotate Along X Axis:
    Press Both Mouse Buttons and drag.

    Uniform Scale:
    Press Left Mouse Button and Drag.
    Z Scale:
    Press Right Mouse Button and Drag.
    XY Scale:
    Press Both Mouse Buttons and Drag.





    A: Left
    S: Right
    D: Back
    F: Front
    G: Top
    H: Bottom
    J: Face
    K: All








    • Throughout all the documents, we assume that you are using your right hand to control your mouse. Therefore, clicking the Left Mouse Button means click the A button as shown in the illustration, while Right Mouse Button means the B button.

    • Quick Switch: Press the ~ key to switch between Camera Mode and Transform Mode.

    • Temp Switch: Hold down the ALT key will switch to the Pan of the Camera Mode temporarily.

    • Accelerating: Hold the SHIFT key to 10X the operation unit

    • Ctrl + G: Turn on/off the Grid for 3D space reference

    • Snap to Terrain: Located at the top toolbar. Press it and the Z movement will be locked to the terrain as you manipulate the camera or objects. Please refer to the Snap To or Follow Terrain section for more information.

    • Follow Terrain: Located at the top toolbar. Press it and the Z movement will be locked to the terrain as you manipulate the camera or objects. Besides, the angle of the camera or objects also aligns to the face normals of the terrain. Please refer to the Snap To or Follow Terrain section for more information.

    • Snap to Grid/Custom Grid: Please refer to the Grid Options Section section for more information.

    • Angle Snap: Please refer to the Grid Options Section section for more information.