Pivot of Prop

In iClone, each object has its own Pivot, which is the base for the Transform data. If you intend to attach or link a prop to another, the pivots are also the bases for both objects. It can also be taken as the Center of the object. Switch to the Gizmo mode so you may see the position of the pivot for selected object since the Gizmo locates at the same place as the pivot.

How does the pivot generate

After you create an object via your favorite 3D softwares (such as SketchUp), the pivot is generated automatically. In general, the pivot is set to be located at the origin. Therefore, if you create your object away from the origin, the pivot of it will be eccentric. iClone also loads objects with their pivots align to the world axis if you double-click to apply them.

  • Create Model in SketchUp.

  • The pivot of the model is set at the origin.

  • Double-click to load the model.

  • The pivot aligns to the world axis.

  • How do the pivot affect Transform Data

    Since the pivot is the base for the transform data to refer to, the Move, Rotate and Scale work according to the pivots of objects. If a pivot is outside of the model entity, the unexpected result happens, especially Rotate and Scale, when you adjust the transform data of the object.

  • Move

  • Rotate

  • Scale

  • Set the pivot location

    You might come across models that have eccentric pivots. In iClone, you may freely change the pivot of the selected object without the use of any external software.

    Please select the target prop and toggle the Gizmo mode (Ctrl + Q) to view the position of the pivot.

    Set Pivot to Mesh Center

  • This method is suitable for props that revolve on their own axis or scale from their own center. (e.g. tire)

  • If you want to set the pivot to the mesh center of the selected prop while the prop is set to a designated position already, you may use this method.

  • The pivot of the pinwheel is out of its mesh

    The pivot is relocated to the Mesh Center

    Set Pivot to Bottom Center

    Basically, the pivot of a general prop shall be set to the bottom center so that it can follow the terrain. If the pivot is set to the bottom center, once it is scaled, the mesh can be resized without offsetting it from the terrain.

    Pivot at the center

    Set Pivot to bottom center

    Set Pivot to Scene Root

  • If you want to create a prop that has revolutionary orbit around another target, this method is the appropriate approach. (e.g. planet or door)

  • You may use this method to set the pivot of a prop elsewhere:

    1. Select a prop for relocating its pivot.

    2. Move the prop away from the origin.

    3. Click the Scene Root button.

    The pivot of the prop is re-located to align to the scene root.

  • Pivot at the center

    Move the prop and set Pivot to scene root