The Comparison of Cameras

The multiple camera system in iClone contains Preview Camera, Follow Camera and Custom Camera.

Preview Camera

Follow Cameras

Custom Cameras


  • To provide basic operations in Editor Mode.

  • To observe scene and objects from different angle.

  • To easily transform and move objects.

  • Not adding camera keys to timeline

  • To simulate Game Camera in the Director Mode, always keep your target in the center of the screen.

  • Use F7 to toggle Action Game mode (view from back) or Strategy Game mode (view from top right).

  • To follow the selected actor or iProp when you control them via WASD hotkeys.

  • To provide availability to custom offset for the cam angle.

  • To set camera keys for playback.

  • To finely adjust in the Timeline.

  • To be switched among cameras in Timeline.

  • To be able to Link/Unlink or Look At/Set Free in different point of time.

Key Generating

  • Not Available

  • You may access the Preview Camera and modify it's parameter, but no key is set.

  • Use Preview Camera for data preparation, object transform editing, tasks not involving in changing the final camera keys, or just for previewing the project.

  • Not Available

  • You may access the Follow Cam and modify it's parameter, but no key is set.

  • Editor Mode: A key in a particular frame can be changed or added as soon as the camera view is changed.

  • Director Mode: A key in a particular frame can be changed or added as soon as the camera view is changed. But it pauses the recording process.

Being Toggled by Camera Switcher to Shoot

  • Available

  • Not Available because the Follow Cam only appears when an actor or an iProp is picked.

  • You must link and adjust a custom camera to the target object to film if the result from the Follow Cam is preferred.

  • Available.

Camera Selection

  • You may select the Preview camera from the Camera and Shader Selector in the 3D viewer.

  • It is the default camera when you enter the Director Mode.

  • You may select the Follow Cam from the Camera Selector in the 3D viewer.

  • Alternatively, press F7 to quickly switch between Follow Cam - Actor and Follow Cam - Bird.

  • The Follow Cam are eliminated as no actor or iProp is picked.

  • You may select the Custom camera from the Camera Selector in the 3D viewer.

Walk/Fly Navigation (Press + or - to modify the navigation speed. The speed can be saved in project)

  • Available

  • The navigation course can not be filmed.

  • Available

  • The navigation course can not be filmed.

  • Available

  • A key in a particular frame can be changed or added as soon as the camera view is changed by the navigation.

  • If you navigate the whole scene while recording (Director Mode), the navigation course can be automatically filmed as a clip.

  • In the Editor Mode, Walk/Fly Navigation is a method to set the camera view. Only one camera transform key is added instead of recording the navigation course.

Look At

  • Not Available

  • Always keeps the relative position and angle to the actor/iProp.

  • You may adjust the relative camera position and angle if necessary, but no key added.

  • Available

  • You must enable/disable the Look At feature manually, and it is added as Look At key in the Timeline.