Example: 1. Add a CC character in iClone 8. 2. Drop the FBX mocap file (Klappa_boll_hik.fbx) on the character. (The FBX is exported from Rokoko studio using Human IK preset)....More
I attached a demo IC8.01 project containing Camilla in pose (Animation/Pose/2.Female Pose/Against Wall) https://www.dropbox.com/s/suribkot0btubcz/testMotionReplace.zip?dl=0 Select Camilla, then from Content select another character - even a Motion Dummy - double click-it to replace Camilla...More
Hi I have purchased iClone and Unreal Engine Plugin but when trying to use Face puppet I get an error saying " There is no matching profile for the target character CC4 Extended". Please Help...More
they are empty shells with none of the plugins I purchased for iclone v7, no access to the smart gallery, and my projects and assets are not showing from iclone v6,7 CCv1,2,3. this is unusable without the plugins I purchased. why no smart gallery option to re-install purchased content?...More
It seems with larger projects, the shift+mousewheel zoom speed doesn't work (even after adjusting the settings in preference settings). It works fine using the shift with the zoom tool and left click in the view window okay. Just the shift+mousewheel part isn't working. It seems okay with small...More
With both IC 8 and CC4 i am getting a memory error crash that happens randomly, it does not occur with any specific action, so it's not possible to create a step flow that can replicate. As a random action by its nature has no "apparent" cause. the error messages have different instruction...More
1. Import Ch15_Non_Pbr character 2. Convert motionfile Walk_with_Rifle - ( exported from mixamo for this Character ) 3. Dragging this onto the Animation track or double click in filebrowser...More
I have had this issue now with 2 project files using iClone 8. After doing hours/days of work for the last 5 days. I have lost a lot of work with no way of opening my files to get them back. After saving and clicking 'Exit' on iClone 8, when I re-open the program next time, it will not open...More