iClone 8
Released in 8.1
Issue 8612
random memory error crash
With both IC 8 and CC4 i am getting a memory error crash that happens randomly, it does not occur with any specific action, so it's not possible to create a step flow that can replicate. As a random action by its nature has no "apparent" cause. the error messages have different instruction codes.
There is not a problem with my system as I still have IC7 and CC3 installed and these crashes do not occur when using these versions.
Ive attached screen grabs of the error messages
If it wasnt for the autosave i would have lost a considerable amount of work to this issue
OS: Windows 10
  • CC4 crash1.JPG
  • IC8 crash.JPG
  •  5
  •  1230
Submitted byblindman
Here is a dump for an iClone 8.0.2 crash:

Simple scene. Some basic terrain (a grid with a bit of random noise displacement) and the included white horse. Horse runs across the terrain using start gallop, gallop loop, end gallop.

If you select the motion and right click and do flatten motion, iClone crashes.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi bad_character,

Thanks for your information, I can reproduce the issue, and it'll be posted to our internal defect tracker.
Thanks for your help!

I still hit this frequently on 8.02. I’ll collect some dumps.
Yes I have the 8.02 update, prior to the update I would have 2 or 3 crashes a day. The update has reduced this to 1 every 2 or 3 days, but they are still occuring at random. The last one just occured. I'll create the dump file the next time a crash occurs
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi blindman,

Thanks for your feedback!
Have you upgrade to 8.02?
If not, please try to update it and see if the issue still exist.
If still crash randomly, please go to task manager and right click on iClone or Character when this memory error pop up.
After right click on it, Select Create dump file.
Windows will collect the crash info as dmp file, please send this dmp file to us.
You can upload to cloud service and attach the download link in your next comment.
Thanks for your help!

Have gotten the same on both many, many times. Thank god you can at least recover on restart.