I am struggling with the thumb issue since iClone 7 in my mocaps and I only face this with reallsion softwares! I hoped this would be fixed in iClone 8! I don't want to fix the thumb manually every time I mocap! I have the Perception Neuron Studio with the gloves here....More
Good evening, I am currently experiencing an issue where I can no longer import my Character Creator file into iClone. For reference I am using Character Creator v4.2 & iClone v8.12...More
Let me start by saying that Morphs handling by Morphs Creator in IC8 has been improved. For the most part importing OBJ files has been stabilized in many aspects. There are however some critical issues which need to be addressed in both IC8 and CC4....More
I have saved a large number of my RLContent installers. Note that I have renamed the RLContent installers to identify the content which is being installed. (Don't think this causes any problem). Many of my saved content installers don't execute at all. Others execute but only recognize Cartoon...More
As the title states: I am guessing due to some internal matching in the software of AccuFace, it is using the wrong interface for its internal IP resolution. On my motherboard, I have two hardware Ethernet connection, a gigabit connection...the other 10G connection....More
Something strange has been happening to me for a few days... While I was producing different commissions for my clients, I suddenly had multiple crashes for no reason. As soon as I opened a project, I had a crash. I obviously panicked because I had to finish projects. So I did several searches...More
Drag and drop the attached sample animations onto iClone 8 default 'Kevin' character. Use animation 'HUMANIK_50J' with 'Maya' motion profile at 100fps, and animation 'MIXAMO_50J' with 'Mixamo_ChXXCharacter' motion profile at 100fps....More