NOTE: For some reason I don't see the option to mark this as a bug, which it is. This is a reemergence of an old issue: when saving a project or some other item, the system lingers for a long time with the message "Creating thumbnail". Some users even have reported crashes. This was resolved...More
Hello support team, i just updated iclone 8.12 to version 8.2. unfortunately rendering is no longer possible. At 4% the loading bar hangs and the large preview monitor is also no longer visible. It would be great if there is a solution in the short term. If i could install an older version...More
Iclone has made giant leaps in the 3D industry in recent years. But like many consumers or customers, the end results are the game changer. That's why I think iclone could benefit from finally having a better rendering engine. The one it has is already very good, but it could need more refinement...More
Hi there, I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I would love to see the ability to export characters with hair and clothing physics to Omniverse. Either baked physics animations will be just as good if possible. In either iClone, CC4 or both. Thanks...More
So for the life of me I cannot wrap my head around why we cannot import our own animation into the motion Director why there was no retargeting system included Or why the only thing we can use in motion director are the packs that they sell for $100 each and they’re basically just the mixed...More
hello, upon loading any character downloaded inside iClone 8 from a character pack or a scene formerly from iClone 7, well, this causes Iclone 8 to crash every time! Unworkable at present....More
It is impossible to uninstall the software (legit, through Hub): the install script setup launcher seems frozen at the very beginning of the process....More