iClone 8
Issue 11170
Improved render engine for iclone 8 ?
Iclone has made giant leaps in the 3D industry in recent years. But like many consumers or customers, the end results are the game changer. That's why I think iclone could benefit from finally having a better rendering engine. The one it has is already very good, but it could need more refinement in terms of lights, ambient lights, or even why not use RTX technology (although on this point I don't know if we'll see a big difference, Lumen at Unreal doesn't use RTX and yet the results are stunning).

It's just a suggestion, I don't know if Reallusion intends to improve rendering, but personally I like iclone and use it since 2008 and don't want to constantly switch from one software to another. Iclone has all the potential to be a software we can use from start to finish, and it deserves its place in the pantheon of must-have software.
OS: Windows 11
  •  3
  •  496
Submitted byKalex
@Kalex I'll just add that Sora can take images or videos, your project(s) look and upgrade it. Animation tools will be in bigger demand with AI like Sora because they can assist with prop labels, position, scale, use primitives & labels to identify and take position, use timeline to be told what frame to morph props etc Some things created are just too unique for Sora to imagine and if it was a plugin, in the future it could likely automatically take the Character or prop dimensions and materials to rebuild the characters into the video and if the props in iClone could be given seed generator values and a thumbnail to feed Sora if things need to be regenerated then iClone can assist in non destructive workflows. 

Building from Text prompts would be extremely slow and costly having to regenerate if the generated look isn't what you want. Many older projects with all the labels or renders could benefit from having the plugin and additionally if users can create a scene summary. 

Animation tools will likely adopt and become better directors and non destructive editors for Sora before everything is finalized as one video. It's better that Sora render stills/tests at points in your project rather than paying the cost of a full generated video outright.

Lastly one of the main advantages for Reallusion having Sora as a plugin, it keeps people using their products, it keeps customers from having the headaches of having to go to/transfer files to UE or omniverse to completely learn new tools, taking even more time/cost from their lives.
Reallusion already uses artificial intelligence in its products: headshot and, more recently, Accuface. 
Sora is another area that doesn't have much to do with 3d animation or rendering, to be honest. It's just been released, and although the videos shown are terrifyingly realistic, they've been carefully chosen by the team behind it. Many of the results were still far from convincing. So we'll see in the coming months. I don't think it will make rendering engines or RTX technology 'obsolete'. What's the point of buying 3D softwares or even building entire 3D scenes? With a 3D software, you can be sure of what you're building from start to finish. A program like Sora is still too unpredictable and isn't even a rendering engine in the strict sense of the word. These are two different tools that could coexist but not replace each other.
I think RTX rendering is on the verge of becoming obsolete due to AI video rendering.  I recommend that Reallusion jumps on this because it's obviously the future and Reallusion products can be used to drive AI