In this sample, you may use CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) definitions to determine the
show/hide abilities for the web player, and then use buttons to toggle these abilities.
Using the loadProject Function
Controls Behaviors
This sample contains 2 buttons, their behaviors are:
Click the first button, Show, to show the player.
Click the second button, Hide, to hide the player.
Copy and paste the codes in-between the <head> and
tags of your custom web page.
The purposes of the functions:
$(function ():
This function defines the address of
the CrazyTalk Web Player in the custom web.
functionShow(): This function
shows the player.
functionHide(): This function
hides the player.
functionPlayerInit(): This function
initializes the web player by loading a default project and
auto-plays the project afterward.
The adjustable codes in the function: functionPlayerInit
Replace the below address of the *.uctproject file with the one
where you have uploaded your custom project.
If the custom actor files are uploaded to the identical server where your custom web
pages are, then simply change the entire
addresses (http://...uctmodel) to
the file names of the custom actors.
Otherwise, you must replace the
entire addresses with the complete addresses
(URL) of the custom actor files.
playAfter: The value determines the seconds for the
player to wait before starting play the true content of the project.
A negative number means never to play back.
Copy and paste the codes from <div>
to </div> into the position
where you want to embed the web player in-between the
<body> and </body>
tags of your custom web page.
Modify the numbers after the width: and
height: parameters in the first line to customize
the size of the player.
Controls for Showing Events
Copy the
<input.../> lines to the positions
where you want to embed the buttons in-between the
<body> and
</body> tags of
your custom web page.
Please note that:
The function and the button that calls it must be
individually put within the head and body blocks in pairs.
You can only copy and paste the desired buttons and the functions
to your custom web pages.
These two <input.../> lines form two buttons on the web. Each of them will call the function declared
within the head block after being clicked.