With the help from the well arranged JavaScript lessons, you can quickly learn how to make the most of the CrazyTalk Avatar APIs. Just feel free to copy & paste the codes for your own interactive avatar web design.
* Notice for Google Chrome users.
Getting Started
To help user get started easily, please read through the brief introduction on how we structure the sample lessons, and get familiar with the basic workflow to start your first design. Also, the initializing projects will teach you how to embed the Initial functions into your custom web page, in order to build a CrazyTalk Web Player.
Loading Function
Loading Functions are designed to assist in loading projects, actors, and scripts. You can decide when you want to switch the projects to the others or when to change the script. You can also setup the avatars with specific idle motions, or you can choose to hide actors while their voice is still on. With the multi-tasking Preload functions, you can ensure an immediate interactive response for an optimal playback experience.
Interaction Function
The Interactive Functions add additional control to the following cases. You can toggle the auto loop or setup the volume level, determine whether your avatar looks at the mouse cursor, or use the mouse event to trigger further actions. You can also monitor the playback progress from the animation callback.
UI Display Function
The CrazyTalk Avatar API gives designers the options to show or hide the Player, control the fade In/out displays of Background and foreground, and set opacity levels. In addition, they can also change the size and position of the player, which gives the User Interface/ space a more customized look.
Actor Function
With the Actor Function, users will be able to give their avatars more ways to display. Just like the background, you can easily fade in and fade out the avatars, scale or move them to different positions. Furthermore, you can determine whether you want your avatar to look at a certain angle to guide your audience.