In this sample, you may use loadBackground function to toggle and load different
by pressing buttons with specific behaviors. Furthermore, you may optionally use the
showBackground function to show/hide the background.
Copy and paste the code to your custom web page
so that you can have characters talking with different backgrounds.
Using the loadBackground and showBackground Functions
Solid Color
Controls Behaviors
This sample contains 7 buttons, their behaviors are:
Click the first button, BG1, to load an image (BG_1.jpg)
as background. The background will be 80% opaque.
Click the second button, BG2, to load another image (BG_2.jpg)
as background. The background will be totally opaque.
Click the third button, BG3, to load the second image (BG_2.jpg)
as background. The background will be totally opaque with fill-up-to-player mode.
Click the fourth button, BG4, to load the second image (BG_2.jpg)
as background. The background will be totally opaque but fade out in 5
Click the fifth button, Black, to set the background color
Click the sixth button, Gray, to set the background color
Click the seventh button, White, to set the background color
Copy and paste the codes in-between the <head> and
tags of your custom web page.
The purposes of the functions (you may determine if you want to copy one or more of the
latter 4 functions into your page):
$(function ():
This function defines the address, the position of
the CrazyTalk Web Player in the custom web
and loads a default
actor (Background.uctmodel) with a assigned
idle motion (CTDefWebPreview.uctidle) once
your page is opened. This function is a must because you need to have an actor before loading
a background image.
functionloadBackground1(): This function loads
a background image
(BG_1.jpg) with transparency.
functionloadBackground2(): This function loads a
background image (BG_2.jpg) without transparency.
functionloadBackground3(): This function loads
a background image (BG_2.jpg) and expand the image to
fill up the entire view of the player.
functionloadBackground4(): This function loads
a background image (BG_2.jpg) and makes the background
fade out in 5 seconds.
The compatible image formats are: *.jpg, *.jpeg, and *.png.
functionloadBackground5(): This function
set the background color to black.
functionloadBackground6(): This function
set the background color to gray.
functionloadBackground7(): This function
set the background color to white.
The adjustable codes in the functions: $(function ()
Replace the below address of the CrazyTalk Web Player with the one within your self-hosting
player.loadActor(){...}: For more information about the modification method for the loading a default
actor function, please refer to the
Loading Actors section.
functionloadBackground1, loadBackground2,
loadBackground3 and loadBackground4
Replace the below addresses of the *.jpg files with the ones
where you have uploaded your custom background
In loadBackground1:
In loadBackground2, loadBackground3 and
Please note that the paths can be
relative or absolute addresses.
alpha: The value (from 0 to 1)
determines the transparency level (from 0% to 100%)
of the background image when it is loaded.
fit: Replace the value after this parameter to determine the fitting relations
between the image and the player.
fill: Expand the image in its original ratio enough to remove any margins between the
image and the player.
fit: Fit to show the entire image within the player.
player.showBackground(false, 5.0)
If you want to create a fade in or fade out
effect for the background, then you need to copy and
paste these lines of code into the loadBackground
true/false: Set the value to true/false to show/hide the
The number:
The number in the parentheses is the
duration time (in seconds) for fading in or fading out the
background image.
Copy and paste the codes from <div>
to </div> into the position
where you want to embed the web player in-between the
<body> and </body>
tags of your custom web page.
Modify the numbers after the width: and
height: parameters in the first line to customize
the size of the player.
Controls for Loading and Showing Backgrounds
Copy the
<input.../> lines to the positions
where you want to embed the buttons in-between the
<body> and
</body> tags of
your custom web page.
The function and the button that calls it must be
individually put within the head and body blocks in pairs.
You can only copy and paste the desired buttons and the functions to your custom web pages.
These seven <input.../> lines form
seven buttons on the web. Each of them will call the function declared
within the head block after being clicked.