In this sample, you may use the loadScriptFromText function to let your avatar say input texts in real-time.
You can simply type in, or paste text into the text area. You can then experience the dynamic converting to speech by selecting different radio buttons with specific behaviors.
Please note:
To turn text into live, animated messages you will need to acquire the Text to Animated Messaging Service (TAMS) in order to get full access to the conversion work.
Using the loadScriptFromText Function
Voice Speed & Pitch:
Auto Motion Style:
Controls Behaviors
This sample contains 1 text area, 3 parameters and 1 button, their behaviors are:
Type-in/paste any text to convert into the text area.
Choose different TTS voice.
Select US English Female for US English Female voice,
and UK English Female for UK English Female voice.
Set the speed and pitch of the voice.
Select Default Speed & Default Pitch for general talking,
Faster Speed & Higher Pitch for faster speed and higher pitch,
and Slower Speed & Lower Pitch for slower speed and lower pitch.
Choose auto motion style.
Select Female Broadcast for using the Broadcast_F auto motion,
Female Service for using the Service_F auto motion,
and Female Explain for using the Explain_F auto motion.
Click Say button to convert the input text using the above specify parameters.
Copy and paste the codes in-between the <head> and
tags of your custom web page.
The purposes of the functions:
$(function ():
This function defines the address, the position of
the CrazyTalk Web Player in the custom web
and loads a default
actor (Scripts.uctModel) with an assigned
idle motion (CTDefWebPreview.uctidle) once
your page is opened. This function is a must because you need to have an actor before loading a dynamic script to it.
functionSay(): This function loads
a script using the input text and specify parameters and plays the
script instantly.
The adjustable codes in the functions: $(function ()
Replace the below address of the CrazyTalk Web Player with the one within your self-hosting
For more information about the modification method to the
function loading a default actor, please refer to the
Loading Actors section.
function Say
Replace the $("#text").val() with the text you want to say.
ttsVoice: This value determines the different TTS voice. A list of available languages and voices can be found in CT API Reference Guide.
ttsSpeed: This value determines the speed of the output voice. Possible value are from -5(slower) to 5(faster), 0 is the default speed.
ttsPitch: This value determines the pitch of the output voice. Possible value are from -100(lower) to 100(higher), 0 is the default pitch.
automotion: This value determines the auto-motion of the speech. You may apply different animation styles to match the attitude of your voice to your character. A list of auto-motion style can be found in CT API Reference Guide.
playAfter: This value determines the
seconds for the player to wait before starting play
the converted script. A negative number
means never to play back.
loaded: function (status, data, info) {}: If you want to execute more commands, functions or
methods after the script is loaded, then add them into this function in-between the curly brackets.
They will instantly be executed after the script is loaded.
In this case, the console panel will display the message return from server.
<textareaid="text"style="width: 640px; height: 120px; resize: none;">Please type text here, and press Say button to playback the conversion result.</textarea><inputid="voice1"type="radio"name="voice"value="usenglishfemale"checked/><labelfor="voice1">usenglishfemale</label><inputid="voice2"type="radio"name="voice"value="ukenglishfemale"/><labelfor="voice2">ukenglishfemale</label><inputid="speed1"type="radio"name="speed"value="0,0"checked/><labelfor="speed1">Speed(default) Pitch(default)</label><inputid="speed2"type="radio"name="speed"value="2,30"/><labelfor="speed2">Speed(faster) Pitch(higher)</label><inputid="speed3"type="radio"name="speed"value="-2,-30"/><labelfor="speed3">Speed(slower) Pitch(lower)</label><inputid="motion1"type="radio"name="automotion"value="Broadcast_F"checked/><labelfor="motion1">Female Broadcast</label><inputid="motion2"type="radio"name="automotion"value="Service_F"/><labelfor="motion2">Female Service</label><inputid="motion3"type="radio"name="automotion"value="Explain_F"/><labelfor="motion3">Female Explain</label><inputtype="button"value="Say"onclick="Say()"class="button"/>
Web Player
Copy and paste the codes from <div>
to </div> into the position
where you want to embed the web player in-between the
<body> and </body>
tags of your custom web page.
Modify the numbers after the width: and
height: parameters in the first line to customize
the size of the player.
Controls for Loading Script From Text
Copy the
<textarea.../> lines to the positions
where you want to embed the text area in-between the
<body> and
</body> tags of
your custom web page.
Copy the
<input type="radio".../> lines to the positions
where you want to embed the radio control in-between the
<body> and
</body> tags of
your custom web page.
Copy the
<input type="button".../> lines to the positions
where you want to embed the buttons in-between the
<body> and
</body> tags of
your custom web page.