In this page, the page structures for the other pages of sample code (from 2 to 17) are described. You need to
read this page in order to be familiar with their appearances.
Page Structure
The basic page structure is shown in the illustration below:
1: Sample Code Title
The sample code title is put here.
2: Goal and Descriptions
The goal of the sample code is described here.
3: Sample Playback View
A web player is put here and you may playback the sample project to
observe the result.
4: Control Behavior
This section explains the goals of the sample and the behaviors
of the controls in the page.
5: Codes in <head> </head> Tags, Proceeding Steps and Notifications
The codes that must be pasted into your <head> </head> tags in your custom web pages.
6: Codes in <body></body> Tags, Proceeding Steps and Notifications
The codes that must be pasted into your <body></body> tags in your custom web pages.
Please refer to the
Source Code of Sample Code 2 to
get the full view of the most fundamental web page embedded
with a CrazyTalk Web Player.
Also, refer to the
API document for more details about the functions
that are shown or not shown in these sample code pages.
Basic Workflow
Getting and Allocating Files from CrazyTalk 7
Make sure your CrazyTalk 7 Pro has been updated with the Extension Plug-in.
Launch CrazyTalk 7 Pro and create a new project.
Export the project and you will get .uctProject, .uctModel,
.uctScript and .uctMotion files.
Allocate these files to the desired web server.
Please refer to the
CrazyTalk 7 Online Help if
you need more information about:
If the files exported from CrazyTalk 7 Pro and your custom web pages are
going to be allocated and uploaded to different servers, then it is
highly suggested that you:
obtain the addresses (URL) of these files
and save the addresses into a text file (.txt) for further usage.
Copying and Pasting Sample Codes
Open the desired page of sample code (source for copying).
Prepare a web page (.htm or .html) file and open it with your favorite text editor (destination for pasting).
Copy the code within the <head> and </head> tags
(the 4th item mentioned in the table at the beginning of this page)
from the source page.
Paste the code in-between the <head> and </head> tags of the
web page opened in the text editor.
Customize the codes just pasted in the <head> and </head> tags of your custom web
Copy the code within the <body> and </body> tags
(the 5th item mentioned in the table at the beginning of this page)
from the source page.
Paste the codes to your desired position for displaying the web
player (the 3rd item mentioned in the table at the beginning of
this page) in-between the <body> and </body> tags of the
web page opened in the text editor.
Customize the code just pasted inside the <body> and </body> tags of your custom web
In these steps, the mostly modified codes are the
of the files you exported from CrazyTalk 7 or the
addresses (URL) you have saved in the
text file mentioned earlier in this page.
Because the customizable codes are different by pages of sample code,
they will be described in individual pages.
Important! Do not change any codes that are not mentioned in each page of sample code unless
you are a script programmer or very familiar with the programming language.
Other Critical Codes
In each page of the sample code, there are some common codes that contain certain meanings. They can not be
missing in the code of your web pages in order
to ensure the correctness of the embedding results.
These lines declare and initialize a new web player.
These lines are required.
The address indicates the target server at which the web player is located. You
may need to change it to the web player you have stored on your custom server
with a full accessibility.
You can only modify the ...
shown in the above codes by adding more functions, adjusting values
of attributes and so on.