In this sample, you may use the setCameraMode function to initialize the
perspective of the camera of the web player by adjusting the lens modes. There are three modes for the
camera lens, each may cause different depth appearances for the character from
weak to strong as the character is performing.
Using the setCameraMode Function
Controls Behaviors
This sample contains 5 buttons, their behaviors are:
Click the three left buttons to change the lens mode of the camera, and
click the right two buttons to move the character to better observe
the different effects of the lens.
Click the first button, Telephoto, to set the camera's
perspective to flat mode. The character's depth will appear the weakest.
Click the second button, Standard, to set the camera's
perspective to standard mode. The character's depth will appear average.
Click the third button, Wide Angle, to set the camera's
perspective to fish-eye mode. The character's depth will appear stronger.
Click the fourth button, Move Character, to move the character from
left to right to observe the camera perspective result.
Click the fifth button, Back to Center, to move the character back
to the center of the web player.
The functions shall be used within the
CrazyTalk Web Player initialization code shown below.
If you do not use this function, then the
default mode is Wide Angle.
It is not suggested that you switch the mode during play back because
it will not cause any perspective-changing transition effects
when the mode is changed.
Copy and paste the code in-between the <head> and
tags of your custom web page.
The purposes of the functions:
$(function ():
This function defines the address and the position of the CrazyTalk Web Player
in the custom web page and initializes the player with the camera perspective
set to Telephoto mode;
meanwhile, preloading a project (Cute_Dog.uctProject) and an idle
(CTDefWebPreview.uctidle) motion
file without playing back.
functionleftToRight(): This
function moves the current character from left to
right sides of the web player.
functionbackToCenter(): This
function moves the current character back to the
center of the web player.
functionPerspective1(): This
function set the camera to Telephoto
functionPerspective2(): This
function set the camera to Standard mode.
functionPerspective3(): This
function set the camera to Wide Angle mode.
The adjustable codes in the functions: $(function ()
Replace the below address of the CrazyTalk Web Player with the one within your self-hosting
player.setCameraMode("..."): This line
determine the initial camera mode. The possible
values are:
telephoto: This value make the camera
perspective flat, which looks like a telephoto
standard: This value increases the
dimension of the camera's perspective.
wideAngle: This value sets the
camera's perspective to strongest, which
causes a fish-eye effect.
Please refer to the
Sample Code 3 - Loading Projects for more information about
the adjustable parts in this function.
Please refer to the
Sample Code 15 - Tranforming Actor for more information about the
settings for the parameters of transforming the
player.setCameraMode("..."): This line
determine the initial camera mode. The possible
values are:
telephoto: This value make the camera
perspective flat, which looks like a telephoto
standard: This value increases the
dimension of the camera's perspective.
wideAngle: This value set the
camera's perspective to strongest, which
causes a fish-eye effect.
<inputtype="button"value="Wide Angle"onclick="Perspective3()"class="button"/>
<inputtype="button"value="Move Character"onclick="leftToRight()"class="button"/>
<inputtype="button"value="Back to Center"onclick="backToCenter()"class="button"/>
Web Player
Copy and paste the codes from <div>
to </div> into the position
where you want to embed the web player in-between the
<body> and </body>
tags of your custom web page.
Modify the numbers after the width: and
height: parameters in the first line to customize
the size of the player.
Buttons with Pre-defined Settings
Copy the <input.../> lines
to the positions
where you want to embed the buttons in-between the
<body> and
</body> tags of
your custom web page.
Please note that:
The function and the button that calls it must be
individually put within the head and body blocks in pairs.
You can only copy and paste the desired buttons and the functions
to your custom web pages.
These <input.../> lines form
four buttons on the web. Each of them will call the function declared
within the head block after being clicked.