ALT+RMB refuses to map to zoom and instead maps to orbit, I've tried mapping ALT+MMB to zoom, and it orbits. I've tried swapping the MMB click and RMB click button configs on my Wacom Art Pen and problem persists. To reproduce, simply set the navigation preferences to the Maya preset, then...More
Adding first bone adjustment with "Proportion" method works fine (as described in manual), but when i try add another one (lets say add Head Right after Head Left) it wont work same way. After setting rotation of bone, then when closing "Proportion" panel, head is returned to default position...More
Customer Support advised me to report this here. This is a detailed report concerning Issue 11230 First, customer support thought Issue 11230 could be solved by disabling Mipmapping, but...More
Windows 7 I wonder RL hasent learned from a CT5 bug i have reported long time ago. Exactly the same now happens to CC4.4. Ealier versions do not show this misbehave....More
Bug in mesh editing: while editing and moving the eyelashes, I noticed that part of the hair also moved. The hair is a separate mesh entirely, fully skinned to the head node in this instance. This seems like a very strange bug—technically impossible, isn't it? You must have some sever issues...More
Create FaceBuilder using KeenTools and export to Character Creator v4.32 does not have the Modify tab, so I am unable to work further. In picture I added the image to show the problem...More