1. Sending Character from Iclone 8 to CC4. (Note CC4 is NOT open). 2. Pop up message appears - ("Certain installed items have received updates. Would you like to retrieve these updates and refresh the Content Manager. Yes/No"). 3. A few seconds later the Character loading pop-up appears and...More
Some products such as Hero/Cinematic detailed hair may already have the mesh resolution to be flexible and enabling soft cloth will simply lower performance. I've seen some posts whereby 50k is considered common but more sophisticated hair can be up to 200k Maybe by selecting Hair in the...More
I've been dealing with an issue for a few years now regarding getting characters to blink properly. I work a lot with customized cartoon characters, and often to achieve a perfect blink, an in-between blend shape is necessary, where the eyelid moves slightly forward before closing. The linear...More
dears , i tried to install the new character creator 4 [purchased today] but with no luck i tried to uninstall the hub and install it again the same issue with the following error ---------------------------...More
Proportion/ Move and Rotate cannot be edited within numerical boxes in CC4. They can be edited on the boned model with the Gizmo but not in the numerical boxes....More
First Issue: Motion Changes After Bake with Unreal Engine Control Rig Plugin When baking motions with the Unreal Engine Control Rig Plugin, the motion changes from the original. I noticed the same issue in Reallusion's YouTube videos. Using the CC Control Rig Sample Unreal Engine Project provided...More
Hi I was setting up an NPC for may game with an ongoing story ark of becoming a mom. So I used morph creator (from IC8) to give her a pregnant slider. I figured to advancing that slider at deferent points in the game is better than having 3 copies of the model. The slider is only on the...More