der Hub sagt ist installiert, lässt sich auch deinstallieren und nicht in CC4 finden. Ich habe auch keinen Bock den alles neu zu installieren weil das immer Probleme macht. Da ich alles ordentlich bezahlte habe würde ich gerne wissen was los ist....More
If you import a Skeletal Mesh from, for example but not exclusively limited to Unreal Engine, and characterize it, the Skeleton will appear fine Root is at the top and everything underneath it. When you export it with a Root Motion Animation and try to apply that to the original character in...More
Hello, when for example dragging an image from Windows Explorer onto a diffuse map in the modifcation panel it takes about 1-2 seconds to perform this step. Meaning , when i start dragging, a small thumbnail is generated showing the image used, but doesnt move to the target in CC4. It follows...More
The automatic mapping to the epic skeleton with the Unreal Target Tool Preset setting in the FBX export of CC4 and IClone only works with the ActorBuild Template. But it does not work with the LOD Templates or if we remove bones with the custom setting. This is very unexpected because the...More
I purchased multiple items on the marketplace and only about 1/3 of them were downloaded into CC4. I tried to click the checkboxes on all the items not downloaded in marketplace then, I clicked: SMART CONTENT MANAGER / SMART GALLERY DOWNLOAD...More
I always get this result even though I made the guides correctly I got the same result in a VFACE model from XYZ. I believe Viktoria I also got the same result from a model I scanned myself (without a mouth bag)...More
I purchased about 46 items from the marketplace today and only 16 random items appeared in the Content Manager (New Purchase). There was no way to make the rest visible. Only when buying another single item from the Marketplace , and "clicking around" in the content manager the new items became...More
when I try to export using InstLOD no file is written or anything the window just closes when I click export with no effect whatsoever. It does not matter what settings I use and it doesn't matter what file I use. I tried with an installation on another pc the same thing happened. iI didn't...More