Image matching tool: To me Headshot SHIFT+Q is kind of difficult to handle. The opacity slider makes of course the original shine half way through, but its quite difficult to clearly see the difference, at least in my case. To improve this i have the following suggestion:...More
Overview: I kept wondering why my character still has light on it, it has no illumination level, no glow, deactivated any lights, disabled IBL. Tests:...More
You just closed out a bug report, where you've misunderstood the problem: I apparently don't have the option to reopen that bug report. So I'm reporting it again....More
The following issue has been ever since the first version of CC4, also IC8. On Win7 reduce idle load mainly works, but when enabling it moving around windows behaves like shown in the picture....More
I downloaded the free blender model: rain v2. System crashes when I try to import. Also seems like it crashes on other easy tasks as well. I like the features, I'm on trial version. Would like to be able to test more thoroughly and have it be usable. My system has plenty of computing power...More
I found an issue that was not in CC3 versions In cc3 when i was fixing the skin weighs if i select the mesh and make it 1.0 to a specific bone there was no influence from another bones. In cc4 when i do the same steps with the same ratio 1.0 the outcome is always an influence from somewhere...More
We need the Ape Index info! When creating a character, it's crucial to grab a feeling of how well this person can fit into a certain sports type. For example, you would expect a person to be a good fighter or rock climber with his/her ape index > 1, the larger the better. Currently you can...More
Dear Reallusion, we’re in dare need of your products on Linux. You produce incredible packages (a little too pricy though), but more and more artists migrating from Windows to Linux and it’s fantastic time to start supporting those of us who already did or will do so soon. Not mentioning that...More
Instead of moving selected bones joint (like with CC Base Characters), the entire FK chain is getting moved. I remember it was working correctly before and looks like was invalidated with one of the updates. While we are at it, the symmetry selection needs to be enabled here as well. At least...More