Character Creator 4
Released in 4.5
Issue 11250
Detailed Report on Issue 11230
Customer Support advised me to report this here. This is a detailed report concerning Issue 11230

First, customer support thought Issue 11230 could be solved by disabling Mipmapping, but when doing so, the image in the main window becomes blurry, no matter what graphics driver is installed. Both on Win7 and 10 on GTX1080ti/32Gb Ram.

After some extensive testing I came to the conclusion that en/disabling mipmap does not solve the problem, it only seems to lead CC44 go through a process where maps become disordered or wrongly calculated (var cache ???). It only makes us think mipmapping creates the error. The below is 100% reproducable. Note that playing with the Mipmap setting has no effect on the imported obj after the diffuse map has been manually replaced once. So this must be a bug somewhere around the map calculation/placing process itself. Ive tested CC44 on Win10 with drivers 551,86, on GTX1080ti . This does not happen with any (Newer and older) drivers on CC4,32, not on this system, neither on WIN7. Please follow the tests below.The included zip contains two obj's and a few images that demonstrate the results of the tests. Please note, like described in 11230, the exacte same issue occurs on IC8.4, Win10 and Win7, any driver, but not on IC8,32.


Step 0 - Clean RL cache
Step 1 - Load Char when Mipmap is OFF
Step 2 - Create Prop attached (er) , Notice Opacity Map !
Step 3 - Enable Mipmap
Step 4 - Copy diffusemap on itself - Notice Opacity Map !
Step 5 - Create Prop (el)
Step 6 - Disable Mipmap
Step 7 - Enable Mipmap


Step 0 - Clean RL cache
Step 1 - Load Char when Mipmap is OFF
Step 2 - Create Prop attached (er) , Notice Opacity Map !
Step 3 - Enable Mipmap
Step 4 - DO NOT Copy diffusemap on itself
Step 5 - Create Prop (el) ( See image Step 55 compared to Step 5 )
Step 6 - Disable Mipmap
Step 7 - Enable Mipmap

Hope this helps locating the bug.
OS: Windows 10
  •  1
  •  171
Submitted byK_Digital Apr 15, 2024
Feedback Tracker Admin Oct 14, 2024
Hello, after verification, this issue no longer occurs in CC4.5, as this version includes fixes for some rendering and display-related bugs.
Please check if your files are now displaying correctly, and if the issue persists, kindly let us know.

Thank you.