To really enhance the VR effect of iclone 360 you need to be able to do steroscopic displays. Iclone 6 already does Top /botton stereoscopic video just not for 360. Admitedly doing it for 360 is very different that just straight video, but I know other rendering environments do it (unreal)...More
I do a lot of modelling in Maya and use IC6 for animation for visual augmentation. Thus for my future plans in Virtual Reality I have to learn Unity and such to create walkthroughs etc. with interaction. With the onset of VR being a big one, I really do think iClone would be an ideal system...More
The pictures tell it all. When a character with long hair bends forward, a huge lump appears beneath the hair. It looks like there is an invisible head sprouting between the shoulder blades. DESIRED RESULT: The hair should lay on her back, not 10 inches away from it. About the pictures...More
Some way to mimic real lights that create a backlight effect when there's an object between a camera and a light that's facing the camera (an illuminated halo around subject) that would subtly separate the subject from the background. I think this is one of the reasons iClone movies look...More
Avatar Toolkit has superior puppeteering features to legacy iClone Puppet tools -Ability to set key and reset key where the action is (under-sold) -Ability to dynamically snap/ flex morph in REAL-TIME (under-exploited by RL)...More
I have studied a couple tutorials and the iClone help manual. The manual says “The value of the camera lens for Panorama Videos is strict. Therefore, you are not allowed to customize this value when the Exporting Panorama feature is turned on.” Both tutorials I looked at showed frame size...More