It is VERY bothersome to be in the middle of the timeline and having to change something, just to have to go and erase the keyframe you accidentally created from doing that. EXAMPLE: You are testing out an animation and using a scene camera. You need to take a look at something in the middle...More
It is easy to screw up when adding tags in timeline. Last night I kept having camera screwups. I'm not quite sure what I was doing, but under 1 switcher tag there were 2 to 4 camera switches. I started clicking and sliding them out to the side. The same camera chosen can be applied to...More
I'm not sure how Feedback Tracker makes its decisions, but it would be better if it worked in both directions. It should send me an email telling me that someone has addressed my issue, and it should ask me if my problem is solved....More
Link to #892: a) The issue is not solved b) Unable to add a comment to a "Solved" issue...More
Hi, Please can you upgrade the Indigo Plug In to use more than 1 core for export. As it exports a frame at a time, therefore it should be able to export more than one frame at a time without trouble using multiple cpu cores. Having a number of cores option (or slider) would speed the export...More
When uploading contents to Marketplace using the Content Uploader, I found that CC Accessory files seem to get rejected. I am able to upload CCCloth items and when I turned the CC Accessories into iProps, I was able to upload them but I could not upload the CC Accessories directly. The error...More