iClone 6
Released in 7.72
Issue 834
Content Upload Doesn't Support CC Accessory Files
When uploading contents to Marketplace using the Content Uploader, I found that CC Accessory files seem to get rejected. I am able to upload CCCloth items and when I turned the CC Accessories into iProps, I was able to upload them but I could not upload the CC Accessories directly.

The error messages, when I attempted to do so, indicates that the file name uses unsupported characters or the file type is not supported. Since the file name was almost identical to the file name of the CCCloth content (that did upload), I don't believe there were any illegal characters in the name...thus, it appears that, CC Accessories file types are currently not supported by Content Uploader.
OS: Windows 10
  •  0
  •  2802
Submitted byLord Ashes