In 3DXchange7 the Export FBX button featured the option "Include Geometry" which if unchecked would exclude the Mesh and Textures from the export, which allowed for fast iterations to get the animation data added to an already configured Mechanim character in Unity. Now that IClone 8 does...More
I animate the character in iClone8 and export it to fbx, for further use in blender and export to glb. In iClone, everything looks and works great. But after importing into a blender, the pants on the character have obvious artifacts on their right leg. I separately moved my pants to 3D MAX...More
The majority of characters in iclone and CC4 require "smoothing" to turned on for purchased content to look acceptable (especially older store content such as the toon characters) Currently iClone exports alembics as triangles (although the alembic SDK is able to support Quads and SDS). Applying...More
Drag and drop the attached sample animations onto iClone 8 default 'Kevin' character. Use animation 'HUMANIK_50J' with 'Maya' motion profile at 100fps, and animation 'MIXAMO_50J' with 'Mixamo_ChXXCharacter' motion profile at 100fps....More
I am struggling with the thumb issue since iClone 7 in my mocaps and I only face this with reallsion softwares! I hoped this would be fixed in iClone 8! I don't want to fix the thumb manually every time I mocap! I have the Perception Neuron Studio with the gloves here....More