iClone 8
Issue 8804
Iray Materials are not carried over from CC4
When sending a HIK character to iClone it doesn't retain the material settings.
OS: Windows 10
  •  3
  •  356
Submitted byAscensi Aug 15, 2022
Ascensi Sep 20, 2022
Private Comment
Ascensi Aug 16, 2022
There seems to be an issue with Rendering the eyes in iClone, if I animate the pupil dilating, it shows in the viewport but not in Iray, even after updating, enabling and disabling preview and preview selected. Even if set the opacity to 0 on both the std_eye and the cornea, the eye still renders in Iray but shouldn't but in the viewport the eye is completely disabled as it should. I've closed the Iray Render several times to restart, no change.

I've tested the same scene in CC4, Iray in CC4 Renders fine. Again the issue might be because CC4 merged all the character meshes (eye, teeth, tear line etc) into one (without asking) when the character was sent to IC8.

I set the character in IC8 to render with the eyes rotated facing outward of the head (opposite of cross-eyed) with one rotated up and the other rotated down but with the pupils enlarged.
Ascensi Aug 15, 2022
Also, after importing an Iray material, the paint bucket fill tool wont allow me to fill the material on other areas of the body.