I don't know if this will already be coming for iclone 8 but foot alignment is done with the Layer Editor and should exist in the Curve Editor. iClone 8 may resolve all position issues and maybe this is not needed....More
Hello, When I add a a keyframe to the timeline and then try to copy and paste it to a later place in the timeline nothing happens. I also cannot select more than 1 dot (for 1 body part). I saw a demo that shows copying and pasting keyframes so I think it should work, but it does not for...More
Recently updated from 7.8 to 7.81- before hand everything worked fine. Using an .iavatar asset exported from the latest character creator 3. Nothing unusual. The scenes worked fine....More
iClone has the ability to merge separate motion clips into one single clip for easier manipulation and/or exporting. http://manual.reallusion.com/iClone_7/ENU/Pro/Default.htm#iClone_7/Pro_7.0/09_Animation_Timeline_Editing/Merging_Clips.htm It appears there is no such option for merging clips...More
hello Support I am unable to open iclone real time 3D animation I keep receive and error Iclone 7 app has stopped working. and Character Creator is crashing at startup same...More
Hi there, the summary says it all really, but I'd love the ability to switch to a true isometric view, I'm developing a 2D isometric game, so being able to export .PNG files with an Isometric view from iClone would be massively helpful. Thanks....More
Hello, while editing a complex project with many props and materials, I found that it would be very handy to have a way to disable the GI settings for all the props and all the the materials of a prop. Obviously, if this can be done with the forthcoming Python API, there will be no need to...More
When my animation plays, there is intermittent flickering along anything that has bright or shiny edges. It looks like there is a strobe in the scene. This occurs when the camera is transforms (slow push in) whether there is rotation or not. This occurs whether or not GI is enabled or disabled...More
Hello RL, here is one suggestion for IC7. I think it would be useful to be able to right-click on the assets displayed in the scene window and having a pop-up context menu where we can choose some options....More