Please make an easy/quick way to pivot(rotate) the camera without changing the transform values. There are any number of "work-arounds" for doing this but they either 1) have bugs in them or 2) are very tedious and negatively interrupt the workflow. Currently, when the Orbit tool is selected...More
Instead, the key is written to the next frame on the left. Depending on which bones are getting transformed, the outcome is unpredictable. Slippery feet, jerky motions.. etc. There is nothing helps to fix the faulty frame, except to move the entire clip by a few frames to the left or right...More
Setting Textures at highest resolution in Character Creator 2.0 but when character comes into iclone7, detail is lost. Using PBR (not traditional) and 2048...old lady in cc2.0 looks like a young lady when she comes into iclone details are lost...More
When I link the created camera to the avator spine or any part of the bones other than the root, camera follow works. However, when I link to the rootbone the camera does not follow the avator. I never had problems with the previous versions of Iclone....More
For example. I take the bear, apply the movement, I execute the menu item Sample Motion Clip, the traffic spoils. Video ( ) and project file I attach. I ask you to correct the mistake....More
Hi, I am an animator and I would really like to have an option for animation a character in 24 fps. 60 FPS is reallly nice option and it makes animation real smooth but having 24 FPS can be so handy who comes from other 3d animation applications like me....More
I bought iClone 7 pre order. I tried to download it, but wasn't able to get it to load onto my computer. "I'm Sure I must have intalled all the stuff in the proper order would be my guess. I had bought Iclone 7 because I think it is the best flexable program for me. It does the things I really...More