43 issues found


Hi everyone. I'm not sure if I wrote the subject correctly and not sure if this applies as an issue, if not, then I would like to make it as a feature request.
I use Blender to paint skin weights on clothing as is a much better experience than CC4 sadly.
Painting Skin Weights in CC4 is slow...More
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Submitted by NexVice


Can't find any description how to use it,realtime subdiv button is not available, gray,not clickable. What is the problem? Tessellation and ordinary subdivision works fine,but i need to divide mesh first and only than export it via GoZ to Zbrush and than be able to send it back is it possible...More
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Submitted by gorafume94


Not Reproducible
Bug in mesh editing: while editing and moving the eyelashes, I noticed that part of the hair also moved. The hair is a separate mesh entirely, fully skinned to the head node in this instance. This seems like a very strange bug—technically impossible, isn't it? You must have some sever issues...More
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Submitted by anders_187857


Hi, I used this feature before while transforming an armor model to cc4 base character Kevin. Well, the problem is, that I imported a Vroid character and after the characterization, I imported the 3D Clothes for my character. Now, transfer skin weights is not visible on the menu and I can't...More
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Submitted by yasin0398


I am using the Keen tool to generate Skull and bring it to Character Creator v4.32. The Skull is all black and as I understand I have to pull the skin of the character. Maybe that question does not make sense. Would you please be kind enough to guide me on how to fix it?...More
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Submitted by agha.khan_940305


So I customized the Camila model to get the benefit of the facial morph targets and it works great. However, when I did the same to Kevin I realized the base model does not have enough topology to match my model. It's way too dependent on normal maps. If there could be an upgrade to the topology...More
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Submitted by zancoisrice


hello, I need software to create 3D model busts from photos. For further printing on a 3D printer. But I hate to spend longer than £300. Do you have an offer? What programs would suit me? Sorry I don't know which section to ask this question....More
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Submitted by eglonse


This is very annoying and time consuming to try to fix, resetting the bones creates mesh spikes. Can you develop a bone lock feature for "Adjust bones" area so we can lock selected bones and only the other bones that aren't locked can be reset?
Maybe, also include the ability in Edit Mesh...More
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Submitted by Ascensi


Not Reproducible
I'm creating a character on CC4 and I would like to apply two different gloves on each hand. I have two assets, bought from the content store. Both of them apply to both hands, so I wanted to use the new Delete face tool but I have an issue with it.
To proceed I applied a first asset and I...More
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Submitted by avideau


I had two installs of Zbrush 2022, 2022.0.1 and 2022.0.8 to avoid the Maxon upgrade. When I installed CC4s latest update I was prompted to add Zbrush 2022.0.8
I installed it in a folder 2022.0.8
I followed the steps to re link Zbrushes GoZ Apps and I told CC4 where the new install of the...More
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Submitted by Shinjitsu84