Character Creator 4
Issue 10730
Higher topology for base CC4 characters
So I customized the Camila model to get the benefit of the facial morph targets and it works great. However, when I did the same to Kevin I realized the base model does not have enough topology to match my model. It's way too dependent on normal maps. If there could be an upgrade to the topology count on the base CC4 models that would really benefit high poly model workflows.
OS: Windows 10
  • download.png
  •  2
  •  332
Submitted byzancoisrice
I appreciate you for creating that request. I wonder why Reallusion hasn't created a character-driven bridge for custom characters the way they did for Metahumans.
When you create maps in other programs like Zbrush, 3DCoat, you typically work with HD models and transfer the details to the maps, the maps then are used to give characters the details using displacement maps with smooth mesh subdivision or displacement maps with tessellation (alters the physical mesh surface with hipoly)  Smooth mesh by subdivision is fixed high quality, tessellation dynamically adds or removes quality/mesh resolution based on camera distance and provides performance/rendering advantages.

I have created a request on the feedback tracker for Reallusion to provide corresponding displacement/depth maps from their normal maps because normal map doesn't convince VR users and if wrinkle/sculpt details are large, it wont show physical characteristics especially when doing physically accurate Rendering like Iray.

You currently can turn on smooth mesh by subdivision to get the a cleaner result without a displacement texture but if you want performance using tessellation instead you will need to add a small black texture to the displacement channel to activate tessellation options (increase tessellation levels)