Character Creator 4
Issue 11376
Forced to Upgrade Zbrush now GoZ button from CC4 no longer working
I had two installs of Zbrush 2022, 2022.0.1 and 2022.0.8 to avoid the Maxon upgrade. When I installed CC4s latest update I was prompted to add Zbrush 2022.0.8

I installed it in a folder 2022.0.8

I followed the steps to re link Zbrushes GoZ Apps and I told CC4 where the new install of the correct Zbrush 2022 is. Now when I go to hit GoZ from CC4 the new dialog window appears, when I hit the GoZ transfer button the data starts "loading" as if its making its way on to Zbrush but nothing is actually loading and in the end no files reach Zbrush at all.

Alternatively I am able to go in Zbrush and make any poly mesh 3D object be sent from Zbrush over into CC4 as a prop no problem.

Please help I dont understand why my CC4 to Zbrush data transfer is now broken and I cant actually get characters to come from CC4 into Zbrush any more....

Video of the problem in action CC4 to Zbrush doesnt work but Zbrush to CC4 is ok.

my Zbrush folder is renamed to ".../Zbrush 2022.0.8" and my Zbrush exe file is renamed to "Zbrush 2022.0.8.exe"

Is there some where I need to tell CC4 how to point to these directories instead of what would have been default?
OS: Windows 10
  • 2024-06-23 08_12_09-GoZ_Config.txt - Notepad.png
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Submitted byShinjitsu84
Oh wait I got it working again, there were two fatal missteps that caused my CC4 to GoZ initiation process (the model from CC4 sending to ZBrush) to stop working:

When I installed ZB 2022.0.8 I put it in a folder called ZBrush 2022.0.8 (because I still had 2022.0.1 on my rig)
Internal to this new 2022.0.8 folder the executable file was named ZBrush 2022.exe originally

When I first tried to GoZ from CC4.42 it prompted me again for a valid ZBrush (2022.0.8) and once thats chosen thats it but the path location is hard coded somewhere forever no matter how many times you uninstall and reinstall CC4 - so from that point forward if you used a ZBrush in any other folder named anything else the dialog for GoZ will not even pop up, the button is dead.

(Up until this point the GoZ dialog and data loading function ran but ZBrush would not be called up and if open already the data too would not transfer at all - was stuck here 2 days)

Leaving the new 2022.0.8 folders name as is (because CC4 already thinks hey your new Zbrush lives here forever and the folder name will never change) and simply going into the executable file and renaming that to "ZBrush.exe" (the name GoZ apps previously used to run off of when it was using 2022.0.1) then suddenly CC4s process could fully call up Zbrush to start running and the model data from CC4 transferred correctly.  

Below is a YouTube showing the two ways you can break your CC GoZ Plus connection by mistake and how to fix it. 
(1- Directory is wrong or different from when you first pressed CC GoZ Plus, and 2 - the ZB exe is not named "ZBrush.exe")
  • 2024-06-24 02_56_58-.png
I was able to get it working and I can see where I can update the file ZBrush location and exe file from here if I need to edit them to other names.  Thank you!
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Shinjitsu84,

Please launch ZBrush 2022.0.8.exe. Then, send us the "GoZ_Config.txt" file. We will try to resolve your issue. Thank you.
