I have a character with a simple bone structure and morphed head. The character has worked fine up until the 5.22 update, where now the head faces the wrong way on the stage, and is completely wrong when exported to AFX, where it is facing the extreme opposite and cut off by the mask. In...More
When exporting out to AFX, it can take a fair while depending on the length of animation (my scenario 3250 frames). If I render out a JSON file using the PNG option, there is usually an ongoing update to where it is in the process. But when rendering out using MOV option, everything appears...More
Spring effect does not work. Neither in new project nor with the projects that I created earlier. In composer mode's spring bone preview the effect looks fine. When I run the animation in stage mode none of the characters shows the spring effect. It worked earlier, so I have no idea what happened...More
Hi, the webinar was great. Above average. However I am disappointed that your survey is redirected to Google Forms, where my other google account email pops up, which has nothing to do...More
Hi! Thanks for the lovely software. I have purchased all three with many contents from the store as well. There is one thing I was upset about was my inability to find an answer to my problem: that is building up the next scene after completing one scene. I tried my best to look for a solution...More
hello, just purchased cartoon animator 5 and I believe this is only for windows and I have a Mac, I would need a refund unless there is a cartoon animator for Mac. If so please help me get the write version I need to move forward thanks...More
Por que não consigo achar número de registro se comprei o cartoon animator? Parece que estou na "versão demo" mesmo tendo pago? e o motin link CTA não funciona? Não estou entendendo. chicoceccon@gmail.com 55 35 99863 1106 whatsApp...More
tried to install via the hub and the direct download. Keep getting the "internet connection" issue. Have turned off firewall and still receive issue....More