Cartoon Animator 5
Issue 11374
Language of your tutorials and support do not fit our needs
"Hola chochera, escribo porque esta vaina no se entiende, y creo que no soy el único latino que no manya todo lo que en lenguaje anglo ustedes dicen, ¡Algún día entenderán que somos más hispano hablantes que angloparlantes?"

Hi, if you understand this phrase, i apologize you, if not, this is same feeling I get every time I try to attend to your webinars or to see your tutorial videos.

2 things you should understand about my worry:

First is language, A huge number of Latinos do not speak English but are talented designers and creators, capable of buying your products.

Second. the way you expalin things in english is not the right way we latin americans understand you, is not easy to unsderstand your steps, your ideas, the way tou present your products and your plugings.

I have more than 4 years following you (I try to be a cartoon animator user) but till now, I do not get to understand how does tips or tricks works on.

But I have a proposal for you. Let me to be the latin guide for your video tutorials, let me help to make all that info in spanish. I am voice over, I have studies in Storytelling and I work on making and producing video tutorial for enterprices for more than 10 years here in Perú.

Write me or call me, I know I can help on this.
cel. phone +51 949393355
OS: Windows 10