"Hola chochera, escribo porque esta vaina no se entiende, y creo que no soy el único latino que no manya todo lo que en lenguaje anglo ustedes dicen, ¡Algún día entenderán que somos más hispano hablantes que angloparlantes?" Hi, if you understand this phrase, i apologize you, if not,...More
Hi! Thanks for the lovely software. I have purchased all three with many contents from the store as well. There is one thing I was upset about was my inability to find an answer to my problem: that is building up the next scene after completing one scene. I tried my best to look for a solution...More
Por que não consigo achar número de registro se comprei o cartoon animator? Parece que estou na "versão demo" mesmo tendo pago? e o motin link CTA não funciona? Não estou entendendo. chicoceccon@gmail.com 55 35 99863 1106 whatsApp...More
Hi, I'm recently facing LOTS of problems with CA5. One of them is I'm trying to modify Ariel character to make another one. I already created my character's face on Inkscape but I couldn't upload it all on Ariel's face. So, I decided to replace one item by one. Most of what I replaced turns...More
Hi, can you please update code for the user manual, so every search term which results in "0 results" can be generated as an alert for your helpdesk staff, and/or as a list of content to be cross-referenced and updated with tags please? eg, if I enter "Error Log" to find answers for an error...More
This has never happened before until today. I purchased the $99 360 head tools and I was gonna update it but it keeps giving me this error message: "Failed to get content information. Would you like to sync the current account's content information?" I logged in the same email account I used...More