I reported this problem in issue 8983 after the update to 8.11 there was a fix applied which solved it. I've just updated to 8.12 and the problem is back with content syncs taking place at every level " AGAIN" (See issue 8983 for full description)...More
In Motion Live panel the add gear + buttons and the Character caution sign icon profile selectors do not function correctly when the panel is on a second display I.e. not display 1. Clicking on the add gear + buttons do nothing and does not list available profile(s) such as "LIVE FACE"....More
With the Timeline active it is not possible to use the Tab key to jump to the next Key or clip. This keyboard shortcut is listed in the iClone 8 user manual here: https://manual.reallusion.com/iClone-8/Content/ENU/8.0/90_Keyboard_Shortcuts/Timeline_Shortcuts.htm...More
The imported mixamo movement creates an uninterpretable movement in both CC4 and IC8. This movement works perfectly in IC7. In IC7 I converted the motion into a motion clip and dragged it into 8. At this point the motion was almost the same, but the character moved sideways while moving, the...More
after importing xsens animation data using the xsens profile, thumbs are consistently rotated backwards.From the first frame of the T-pose the thumbs are backwards. Something about the motion profile doesn't work with the thumbs, we need an update to the xsens profile....More
I am experiencing multiple issues with Motion Live for Perception Neuron. The motion data from the thumbs is behaving strangely and does not match what I see in Axis Neuron. Additionally, there appears to be no way to filter data per joint, which is highly frustrating given the severe bugs...More
I installed Accuface and Iclone as suggested, but I receive the issue 'failed to connect accuface' when I click the green circle. The IP is correct, I also installed the hotfix as suggested in the reallusion blog but the problem persist. Can you resolve this? thanks...More
I'm resubmitting this issue, because it was misunderstood by Reallusion and closed. The original issue is here: https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Dragging-Expression-into-Timeline-deletes-all-expressions-to-the-right-of-it The issue is: If you drag an "Expression" to the timeline...More
I used a simple image plane with depth map and i enabled smooth mesh on this. If motion blur turned on and intensity not 0, the image plane will bluried anyway....More
Hi, If you try do a distant shot of a character, the mesh breaks up with a lot of z fighting transparency issues. Somewhat solvable with hide body mesh tool, but not always possible. For example props are breaking up, which means you would need multiple props or dresses need a certain amount...More