I understand a hybrid vertex assignment/Physics Texture system may be coming which could provide real-time conforming cloth to a character's body to follow Native Character Soft Cloth Physics but ------------please allow it to work with HIK Characterization as well!---------------- It will...More
I have updated Zbrush and updated CC4. I used goZ to Zbrush with the neutral base character. That worked fine. Then I used goZ to CC4 without adjusting anything and the only options are cloth, accessory, and prop. Please, advise....More
Hey guys, 4.2 broke the mouth open as morph feature for fbx exporting. 4.2.1 fixed it, but now my models are exporting with duplicate and broken blendshapes, and it's making unity puke....More
In CC3 when you were browsing cloth props, there was a small number on the lower left corner of the minipic displaying the cloth layer (1-10). This is missing in CC4 (IC8 as well), making it harder to fix layer conflicts when applying new cloth or accessories....More
i made a mistake and made 2 accounts for reallusion I purchased CC4 bundle including head shot and soul pack on one profile and on the other I purchased add on content is there a way to marge the too and make the one that has premium account the main and only one?...More
When exporting LODs for use in Unity, textures that have alpha channels (such as hair) lose their alpha channel. To reproduce: * Create a character with hair...More