When I export any other characters than the standard (the CC3 girl with underwear), the mesh is automatically turned into tris instead of quads, no matter what settings I choose at export. The standard char works just fine. Both of the characters below are exported and imported with the...More
I can't really give you steps to reproduce since every time I use Pro mode in Headshot I get this problem. Even when my client and I use the same images his works fine while mine always gives me black, demonic eyes. My steps: Load CC3, go to HeadShot tab, select an image I was mailed or that...More
Please see this forum post https://forum.reallusion.com/417651/Morph-slider-not-showing-up-please-help - I would like to sell custom morphs but for some reason while testing with the end user simulation the morph won't show up. That means all the morphs i have included with character presets...More
The ability to import multiple other characters created within CC3 within a single running instance for posing would be an incredible asset. This feature could be exclusive to the pipeline edition, for those that don't have iclone and may not be entirely interested in live animation but just...More
After installing CC3_Enu_Resource_Pack2_111819 CC3 will not open. A window appears that says "Color Depth and resolution are not compatible. Please set color depth to 32 bits and resolution to1024x720." It did open before installing the CC3_Enu_Resource_Pack2 but not now after installing...More
Even with auto correct eyeblink, the result is not always accurate. especially with the eyelashes Please give us the option to correct manual the blinking and to modify the eyelash during blinking if there is already an option how we can do it , please tell me, cause i dont know that...More
Every single time when I export my cc3 character in Unreal using the Auto setup tool and choosing the HQ shadier, my character still don't look as good like it is in Character creator. I followed this link with documentation to see will it help but nope it is still the same. https://manual...More
I have a problem with the rig when exporting to Unity. I attached a image of my issue. Left is a default CC3+ character which you can see bends quite badly when arms aim up (and down). Right is how it should be. I can supply a sample project if needed, but it is bigger than the max file size...More