Add the Doomsday Vehicles Combo to cart, add another item to knock it over $100. checkout. 20% is not applied. Add another $99 item. 20% is applied to that item and the cheap one, but not the Doomsday Vehicles combo. So it is part of the promotion or not. If it isn't can be be removed from...More
I have a question about the program Faceware Realtime for iClone. Can I give advice so that you can release an update to correct the error? In the settings, when I load a sequence of images, it starts immediately after downloading the images, please add the "stop and play" button at least...More
Is Iray supposed to be compatible with SpeedTree? I notice that normal maps are not applied in the render and in some cases Alpha maps for some leaves. See attached render....More
When you want the local (or world) rotation of a bone from an Avatar. You mostly want it without the rig init rotation. Ex: if you go to the edit motion layer > FK you see that the rotation for a certain bone is zeroed out. So if you get a qauternion rotation you should get [0,0,0,1]. But currently...More
On Iclone 8 please make it so that characters can freely scale using the scale tool, and allow this to be an animatable property (so characters can grow or shrink) thanks....More
(See video) I have a little seen simulation a bus stop. The bus pulls in and blocks the characters. I then make the characters invisible. Everything looks fine. But, I did rewind and reran the scene looking for problems, and my main characters hair physics go wild. While I was able to work...More
Here is a code to show the issue I'm having. To test it, you want to put some image named "image.jpg" to the same folder as the script, it will be used as texture. import os, time, math, random, RLPy, PySide2, copy from winreg import *...More
When building a run/walk cycle in Iclone it is impossible to figure out the number of frames until it has been applied to the time-line. This is too late. It is impossible to animate in multiples of frames (e.g. 2 steps per 60 frames -- the old walking on 2's standard) without some form of...More