When using the content uploader, the message says: One or more items may require external files. Please check your AML settings, (which I have no idea what that means)....More
It seems that eyes and hair have a visual bug when rendering in iRay that causes the texture behind the hair to go invisible and the eyes to go black if the characters are away from the 0,0 position. See the images attached....More
Add option to save "Pose offset" in to Motion and MotionPlus - files This would be nice to have, if you for example setup a pose offset in iClone and you want to export that motion in CC3 and want the offset to be applied on that export... I know that you can set Pose offset in CC3 but you...More
I've tried to connect my iPhone 10 to my PC using wifi, hotspot or usb with no luck. I can't get faceware live to connect to the Live Face app on my iPhone. Does the port number matter? Please advise....More
Reposition the frame-indicator in the Curve Editor whenever selecting a frame on a curve. In this way you can see and judge immediately in the viewport of iClone what the effect is of any curve-editing in the Curve Editor. BTW. This would be just like when you edit a frame/key in the iClone...More
When I export an FBX from iClone with multiple avatars, all bones use the same names. This works fine for initial import, but if I need to update my animation, everything breaks. If I export an FBX from Character Creator, there is an option to add a prefix to the bone's names. This works...More
I think it would be great to have more default spring bones for characters like glute stomach etcetera rather than just the breasts. I feel like it could add a lot of realism to animations with the extra soft body simulation. I work on Indie video games and there's been so many times I wished...More