hi, i am looking to purchase Iclone 7. i am a film maker and i am looking to start my production for a animation series and i would like to know all of the softwares and plugins i will need to do the a full production. i am a little overwhelmed with all of the products that you have and the...More
Hello all, I recently purchased iclone 7, 3DXchange Pipeline, and the curve editor. I spent the day using it significantly and learning the ins and outs of the software, and loving it. I come from the world of audio software, like Pro Tools, and Ableton Live, and there are a few features that...More
When you export something to FBX out of iClone and set max texture size value, all texture in iClone for that prop/avatar is getting reset to that value. Please fix....More
Live link plugin no longer pushing animation through to Unreal Metahuman characters. To Recreate the issue Create Metahuman with all relevant components and blueprint setup....More
I use iClone7.81 for animation works and use those FBX files in Unreal. And I sometimes need the character's root node to be fixed at the origin. According to the manual, I understand the "Reset Motion Root" enables the root node to follow the hip motion. https://manual.reallusion.com/iClone...More
If you open a project that includes avatar animation and apply Animation>Remove Scene Animation>Keep First Frame It doesn't register as an undoable event? There is no asterisk in the title bar, nothing? [UPDATE]...More
Blocking out an animation the middlepose in a walk cycle is often an inverted version of the 1'st keyframe. Being able to copy and use an "Invert pose" from the current right-click mouse menu could speed up the process....More