When rendering with Iray ( last update ), textures using Substance files are not computed. Result is a white object. Iray only takes into account texture images....More
Please help me out.... I tried reinstalling realtime faceware. exe through reallusion hub..... But same "start error" occurs.... I used for only 1 day and I have remaining 30 days Error: - RealtimeForiclone.exe: Start Error...More
Im trying to workout the realtionship between the clip_time and Time_line time. If I wish to set a key x,y,z on the Transform Track on the time_line I simply set time_line = 100 say and it will put a key at frame 100 on the time_line. If I set up a clip and save x,y,z to the clip at say clip...More
Hi Guys, Phyton has been around for a while now and I have tried to install it again and again. I just can't manage. Would it be possible to have an easier and straight forward installer for instance with an exe file? Also here is a big ask. Is it possible to make the time line in I clone...More
just ran into this problem and I think it is quite an important bug and most likely easy to fix. USECASE: 1) Apply Billboard (Facing Camera) to scene...More
If you open a project that includes avatar animation and apply Animation>Remove Scene Animation>Keep First Frame It doesn't register as an undoable event? There is no asterisk in the title bar, nothing? [UPDATE]...More