As asked there: , we would be grateful if you can add a reverse option to the expression clips. But it'd also be great if you could add the options "Merge" and "Create Transition Clip" and to let us choose...More
Indeed, I really want at least one extra animation Motion Layer (and Exporession Layer) for secondary movement, like breathing, overshoot, eye movements, etcetera That is, to make the character more alive. So I can put some hold-pose extra movement in the animation, without changing the primary...More
When rendering with Iray ( last update ), textures using Substance files are not computed. Result is a white object. Iray only takes into account texture images....More
just ran into this problem and I think it is quite an important bug and most likely easy to fix. USECASE: 1) Apply Billboard (Facing Camera) to scene...More
Im trying to workout the realtionship between the clip_time and Time_line time. If I wish to set a key x,y,z on the Transform Track on the time_line I simply set time_line = 100 say and it will put a key at frame 100 on the time_line. If I set up a clip and save x,y,z to the clip at say clip...More
Hi, I want to be able to render in Unreal but also be able to render the figure inside iClone to then composite the two renders in post. This should be easily possible with an iClone piloted camera but reality is that it's not possible because the Unreal and the iClone render do not match...More
Please help me out.... I tried reinstalling realtime faceware. exe through reallusion hub..... But same "start error" occurs.... I used for only 1 day and I have remaining 30 days Error: - RealtimeForiclone.exe: Start Error...More
hi, i am looking to purchase Iclone 7. i am a film maker and i am looking to start my production for a animation series and i would like to know all of the softwares and plugins i will need to do the a full production. i am a little overwhelmed with all of the products that you have and the...More
The only evidence I have of this, I see a staircase icon in the scene list then I choose tessellation and it instantly turns into a wedge icon instantly with idle of both GPU and CPU. Usually this would take at least a minute for my machine to process this transformation....More