in the timeline, where you can select the prop for animation, selecting an item is painful if you have like 100-200 items in a scene. you can only scroll a little bit. maybe a search would be great for that?...More
There should be a way such that, if you have only certain joints selected, that when you apply poses or imotions to the avatar it will only apply to those joints. This makes use of animation libraries so much more modular....More
This week, iClone developed this weird glitch, where it won't play back audio. When I just hit play, the audio skips very badly, to the degree that you cannot understand what is being said. Also, when i try to scrub my timeline, then iClone crashes. Notes to consider: This is happening on...More
Adding a shortcut manager to your softwares to allow the users to edit and create their own shortcuts for the tools they use the most could be really helpful and appreciated....More
Since recent major updates to iClone 7 and Character Creator, the Avavtar Puppet Controller is not functioning in record mode. It will do everything it is supposed to do until you hit record button and want to move your character with a moving record timeline. Once you hit record it just freezes...More
Project file seems to be corrupted, unable to do Iray renders, gives me a .im create failure Iray preview, comes up right away, and will not preview at all. Uploaded the project here:...More
I really like iCLone but I find I'm spending most of my time fighting the camera. Why can't you just have standard industry camera controls (alt+LMB to rotate etc)?? Not only this, but when rotating the camera, it sometimes rotates around arbitrary points/ or the world center even with nothing...More