I really like iCLone but I find I'm spending most of my time fighting the camera. Why can't you just have standard industry camera controls (alt+LMB to rotate etc)??
Not only this, but when rotating the camera, it sometimes rotates around arbitrary points/ or the world center even with nothing selected. It also seems to change its behaviour depending on where you initially click. It would be much easier to use if it rotated around the cursors position/object focus.
Also- when rotating the camera it actually moves the cameras transform in some cases. I have why this camera system has been implemented because its got to be one of the worst I've seen. You should look at Maya, 3dCoat or Cinema 4d. They all have very intuative camera systems and for me (and likely many other iCLone users) the camera position/rotation control is the most used thing.
I really want to continue using iClone but creating large terrains or scenes with this camera is infuriating.
To address this would be a dream come true! Thanks
Everything you said, plus I wish to see camera lock on 3D cursor option. This is invaluable feature for navigating thru "heavy" scenes.
This option alone would save us tons of time while setting up complex scenes.
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