I was following this workflow on a custom model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-4lGCu76Sw&t=261s after blender's work , im back to cc and import fbx file , and i drag the slider bar , the mesh just broken......More
Suddenly the application can not open with the "instruction at 0x00007ffd3516debb referenced memory at 0x0000000000000000. the memory could not be read" crash message There is Dump file download link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jwYOsDlndvfyRLy2OZvpSAQDP8KRFcmA/view?usp=sharing...More
Dear It would be very useful if it was possible to render animation (at least from packages) when using Character Creator. Please consider this....More
I've edited my base character with extra bones to be dedicated and labeled "spring joints" I show the result of movement in the attached video by adding joints in key locations. I further recommend you allow batch import of joints built into the character identified as "SpringJoint" with...More
It can be hard editing weights with the weight painter especially if you don't have your reference/skin textures showing.. they can often help/remind users where the limits of hard and soft should be - texture borders....More
I have Substance Painter installed on my machine and Character Creator 4 does not seem to recognize it. Button is grayed out. I reinstalled both programs and still see the same issue....More