* Finally you have the ability to generate displacement maps from normal maps, yes, I've also tested SkinGen and the maps work correctly!!! However.. we need the displacement maps converted from the normals of the other body parts to be able to sculpt and blend a whole character!! -right...More
Clothing on Soft Cloth body enabled might have been possible but here is an issue I pointed out in the past before the last update.. ----> in the timeline--- when physics is enabled on a body character, ---there is no soft cloth flag --like all other soft cloth enabled clothing has and this...More
The Unreal 5.4 C++ project with RLPlugin(Auto Setup 1.35 For Unreal 5.4) added compiles with a large number of errors and points to RLPlugin.Build.cs. I tried to re-execute "Character_Creator_and_iClone_Auto_Setup_135_for_Unreal.exe" to make sure the file has not been modified. It turns out...More
I've been experimenting with different Export settings trying to get the bulk of the 100+ Digital Soul facial expressions into Unity 3D. Through my couple hours of testing I found that only when using the "Current Animation" selection of the Export FBX settings was I able to import the facial...More
When exporting a character with subdivision ticked and importing such character into Unreal Engine there is always an issue around the face no matter the model. Even when using a default character model and adding subdivisions the issue still persists. Please try this for yourself. When importing...More
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHD9zR8cXbw Another quest besides the question posted in the video above, is to set the position of the head in the facial profile editor. in 3DXchance you could set the head by moving the Head_bone, in CC4 you can't set the position of the head by the bones...More
Same goes for the cloth. This should not be happening. Please revert back and preserve physics tab, all settings and weight maps for accessories!...More
When I tested with only creating a few morphs, the speech was realistic but as it got more complex the mouth movement starts vibrating around the mouth area. I've been observing the evolution of Visemes for years and their associated thumbnails to help identify to users what the face expression...More