Issue 9304
Exporting with Subdivision Error to Unreal Engine 5
When exporting a character with subdivision ticked and importing such character into Unreal Engine there is always an issue around the face no matter the model. Even when using a default character model and adding subdivisions the issue still persists. Please try this for yourself.
When importing the character into a blank unreal scene you will notice strange light emitting from the edge of the mouth, inner and outer points of the eyes and even deep inside the ear hole. I have provided screenshots for what this looks like.
This isn't a personal issue nor is it a Unreal issue this is something to do with Subdivision's compatibility with Unreal and thus this is a Universal issue.
Please fix ASAP and be in touch! Thanks.
Screenshot 2023-02-10 200921.png
Screenshot 2023-02-10 011310.png
Screenshot 2023-02-10 011218.png
Screenshot 2023-02-09 231124.png
Submitted byvicvictoriouz
Feb 11, 2023