Character Creator loads 8-bit/1channel Grayscale JPG texture image 'as is', they are not converted and kept internally as 8-bit/1channel Grayscale images. This is not the case when loading 8-bit/1channel Grayscale from PNG,TGA & BMP image files. Character Creator converts those on the fly...More
I noticed you can now use the appearance modifier on accessories now which is great. Just wondering if we're also going to have map import windows for them as well....More
This issue is already present in CC 1.5, but it also appears with CC 2.0 characters. The characters lack collision shapes when used in iClone, which makes it impossible to correctly apply soft-cloth physics to clothing. Steps to reproduce are simple: 1. In CC, export the character as iAvatar...More
Currently 3DXchange can map extend bones, but CC strips out any extra bones that are added to the skeleton. Or rather it sees them as a "non mesh entity" and throws a critical error. The error is only for the extra bones. The rest imports fine. Would it be possible for CC to recognize non...More
I have installed the export version of the Essential Bundle in CC 2. But if I try to export a character from this bundle, I get an error message: The avatar file requires an export licence. And nothing dos happen....More
I don't know if this has been discussed, but the inability to have mesh on the face conform to viseme morphs is a real drag. It even affects the Reallusion supplied hair when the forehead is furrowed. It is especially bad when you are using more extreme morphs. Facial hair like eyebrows, beards...More
The opacity texture of my dress was a png texture. I have changed the brightness of the opacity texture with the slider and the opacity hasn't changed. (image 1,2) But if I invert the texture, the dress is fully transparent. (image 3)...More
During my work with CC2 I have seen a lot of odd effects, which are hard to reproduce. After a new start of the CC2 they often are gone. This dos look how a memory leak and/or an overwriting of variables....More