Unlike iClone, CC allows no way to increase the font size and running on a laptop with HD resolution the text and menus are WAY too small to even see, even if the laptop has resolution increased for other things (which apparently has zero effect on any RL products). Even iClone needs bigger...More
I created a character, saved it, exported to iClone 7EA. When I went back in to modify that character the appearance editor was stippled. This was true whether I loaded the character from CC2.0, or imported from iClone 7EA. Also, frequently my new characters will not work at all("Fail to...More
When changing a characters hue, the result can only be seen after pressing 'ok' i.e. - can the material change be made interactive with a viewport preview as the hue are selected....More
I seem to have a problem when using the characters with root motion in UE4. I'm not sure if it's something I've done wrong or if there is a problem with character creator. When I play any of my root motion animations on a character there is a small amount of foot sliding. If I use the UE4...More
CC Base teeth morphs missing in CC 2 when character is loaded. It seems under the Actor Parts drop down morph selector ...selecting the Eye Teeth and hair there are no base morphs, but the essential morphs for the teeth show up when clicked on. I was doing Dracula tutorial and got to the...More
Character Creator (CC2.0) Crashed while creating hair from blender fbx export, I had already created 3 or 4 before this without any problems other than all the mesh's were distorted and had to try to fix them with the Mesh Editor after adding materials. The crash happened while using the mesh...More
Step-by-step example: 1. I start "Character Creator 2" and see the automatically loaded default character. No modification is given there. 2. Straight away i try to export the Character using menu File -> Export -> iAvatar, but the appication is immediately crashed with the Windows error message...More